Caux Scholars Program in Switzerland

"VAN" (Europe Bureau - Aleksey Vesyoliy) :: Discover the qualities to stand out from the crowd.

Do you ever feel like you're working hard but not getting anywhere? Looking to make some positive changes in your life? What should I do to become a good leader? It was Napoleon Hill who wrote in "The Master Key to Riches": "Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electromagnet which attracts the counterpart of one’s dominating thoughts, aims and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one’s fears, worries and doubts."

People often spend their lives drifting from one activity to another or rushing around trying to get more done while actually accomplishing very little. Some people find that the meaning of life is to have a career, get married, and raise a family. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone is meant to do that in their lives. Many people act impulsively without giving any thought to what they really want. They constantly think about what they don’t want and are disheartened when it shows up not as expected. This is because they haven’t devoted enough time or energy to get clear on their desires. In a similar vein, it was the great Italian Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci who spent countless hours visualising his inventions before they came to life. Da Vinci referred to his visualisation process as, “sapere vedere” which translates to: “knowing how to see.” How to find the meaning of your life? What is the meaning of life? A question that has been asked an infinite amount of times. There is also the theory that simply searching for meaning in your life, is the meaning itself.  Simply by participating in the search, you are doing something incredibly meaningful. Set a goal to build on your strengths instead of setting a resolution focused on fixing something negative. You become more of the person you were meant to be every time you push past your fears. It doesn’t matter how small or big the step is; once you take the step, your comfort zone becomes bigger, and life offers you more opportunities. Face your fears and grow. The more we can offer young people appropriate challenges, and support them to grow, the more likely they will be to develop their own individual strengths, and disply them in the future.

It is important to see the obstacles and difficulties you face as challenges. When you look at such things as challenges, you will find it much easier to maintain a positive, motivated attitude. Additionally, you will enjoy the process of working towards your goal much more than you would otherwise. As you overcome each challenge, you will feel progressively more empowered and capable. Your self-confidence will soar. The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you achieve it.

What should I do to become a good leader? Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people around the world, different things in different situations. It could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups. At some point in life or career, you may take on a leadership role in some capacity. Whether you’re leading a meeting, a project, a team, department, you might consider identifying with or adopting a defined leadership style.

How can I improve my skills and competences to become a great leader?

The development of leadership is critical  building civic capacity and long – term community sustainability. The Caux Scholars Program provides practitioners with interconnected learning experiences demonstrating how peace building works within complex, volatile and multi-level contexts. Caux Scholars Program is a four-week investment in transformative leadership. It takes place every Summer in Switzerland since 1991.

Caux Scholars Program has become a global network comprising multi-sector leaders in more than 100 countries who are working in diverse community, state, regional and international contexts to transform inequality and conflict through systems of honesty, accountability, justice, equity and peace.

Every year 20 students from around the world are selected for this course that includes 40 hours of academic classes, 7 hours per week practical work and area field learning engagements. Over the last 28 years Caux Scholars Program has been challenged to respond to the pulse of the times by working through global dynamics of power, history, identity, economy, culture and leadership.

What makes this programme a unique learning and discovery experience?

The Caux Scholars Program teaches students to identify and analyze conflicts, to understand the factors that create and sustain conflicts, and to use practical methods to diffuse conflicts through global disciplines in conflict prevention, negotiation, development studies, international relations, legislation and policy, and transitional justice. The learning engagement models of Caux Scholars Program include discussions, case studies, leadership exercises, facilitation, dialogue, creative interventions, improvisation and performance, and institutional field visits.

The scholars also participate as full delegates in Caux Forum’s Towards Inclusive Peace conference and spend a day visiting with officials at the Geneva Center for International Policy, the United Nations, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

These activities provide unique opportunities for scholars to witness global institutional approaches to ongoing regional conflicts. 

Discover positive transformation what this program has done in the scholars’ lives in this video:

During the four week program Scholars learn about the key cycles of teambuilding including formation, storming, norming and performing.  Then the leaders come together in small teams, building a connected learning community that shares theoretical and practical tools that work. These methods  have succeeded  in diverse contexts around the world and include trust-building exercises, scenario processes, group problem-solving and people-centered decision making practices. Scholars explore the philosophy of justice established by global experts and dig deep into definitions, theories, and methodologies about how justice processes can work better. Key definitions of peacebuilding and conflict management  are discussed with a deeper analysis of terms such as  arbitration, negotiation, mediation, litigation, and counseling and what they mean across geography. Scholars reflected on different micro/macro approaches to peacebuilding.

Caux Scholars Program 2019 2nd week classes were dedicated to trauma healing with Dr. Florina Xavier helping to understand trauma and connecting it through out personal stories of trauma. The program focuses on learning and exchanging different global approaches to  conflict resolution.  Participants identify key terms and definitions and gain  in-depth, firsthand knowledge about case studies using innovative peace strategies. The  Scholars  also share their national, community-based contexts and conflicts. Within small groups, the leaders  discuss and demonstrate how-to-methods and  tools to build trust across deep social divides.

The environment of Caux in Switzerland gives a space to Scholars to reflect on their own personal and professional journeys, their commitment to honest accountability, service toward building inclusive and just communities, and to securing health and wellness practices for themselves and others. Self-care for Scholars is important.

Do you feel excited to join this program year? Explore further details of the Caux Scholars Program:


Whether you're starting out in an entry-level position and looking to move up the career ladder, your leadership skills will be among your most valuable assets.

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